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Brother and XING Continue to Cooperate with the Antarctic Research Expedition Project through Product Donations

December 2, 2020

Continuing to donate karaoke machines to Antarctic Research Expedition Team from Japan

Brother Industries, Ltd. (BIL), in partnership with its subsidiary, XING Inc. (XING), a karaoke business operator, donated JOYSOUND brand karaoke machines, loaded with the latest songs, to the 62nd Antarctic Research Expedition team, which departed Japan on November 20, 2020.

The purpose is to provide the team with a change to refresh and recharge as their duties put them under pressure for long periods of time. BIL and XING first donated a karaoke machine to the 55th Antarctic Research Expedition team which left Japan in November 2013. Another karaoke machine was donated in 2014. Of these two machines, one was installed at the Showa Station while the other was brought back to Japan when one of the research expedition teams returned to Japan. Machines brought back from the Antarctic, loaded with the latest music and then returned to the Antarctic. The companies are repeating this routine. The karaoke machine being sent back to the Antarctic with the research expedition team was updated with around 20,000 songs, including recent hits. This machine contains a selection of approximately 315,000 songs, the same as the newest version of JOYSOUND online karaoke.
The National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR), which is conducting the research expedition activities in the Antarctic, commented that team members use the karaoke machine to take a break and relax from the arduous operations they undertake in an extreme environment.

Donated karaoke machine Donated karaoke machine * Showa Station Showa Station *

  • source: NIPR

The Brother Group aims to continue to cooperate with the Antarctic Research Expedition project, which plays a crucial role in the research of global climate change, ecosystems, and the universe.

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