Brother Group's CSR

CSR Data

Brother Group's CSR in Figures

The below tables show main figures associated with the Brother Group's CSR.

The Brother Group Global Charter

FY2018 FY2019
The Brother Group Global Charter Established in 1999
Number of available languages 27 languages 28 languages
Number of dialogues between top management and employees More than 2,500 times More than 3,000 times

For other information, please see "To Be Trusted by All Stakeholders."

Corporate Governance

FY2018 FY2019
Number of directors 11 directors (including 5 outside directors)*1 11 directors (including 5 outside directors)*2
Percentage of female directors on the board 9.1% (1 director)*1 9.1% (1 director)*2
Number of statutory auditors 5 auditors (including 3 outside auditors)*1 5 auditors (including 3 outside auditors)*2
Number of directors, statutory auditors and executive officers 32 officers in total (including 2 female officers, 0 non-Japanese officers)*1 34 officers in total (including 2 female officers, 2 non-Japanese officers)*2
The Brother Group Principles of Social Responsibility Established in 2012
Global internal audit meeting Started in 2010
Group Information Management Regulation Established in 2015 (The information management regulation of Brother Industries, Ltd. was established in 2008.)
  1. As of June 24, 2019
  2. As of June 24, 2020

For other information, please see "Corporate Governance."


FY2018 FY2019
Manufacturing facilities and sales facilities In more than 40 countries and regions In more than 40 countries and regions
Basic Product Safety Policies Established in 2008
Sales revenue Consolidated: 683,972 million yen Consolidated: 637,259 million yen
Sales revenue by region Japan 18.2% 19.2%
The Americas 30.5% 31.4%
Europe 26.4% 27.4%
Asia & Others 24.9% 22.1%

For other information, please see "With Customers."

Employees (Brother Industries, Ltd.)

FY2018 FY2019
Number of employees 3,865 (Male:3,081 / Female:784)*1 3,800 (Male:3,026 / Female:774)*2
Percentage of female employees in total workforce 20.3%*1 20.4%*2
Average years employed by the company 17.1 (Male:17.2 / Female:16.8)*1 17.2 (Male:17.2 / Female:17.2)*2
Percentage difference in average employment years for female to male employees -2.3%*1 0.0%*2
Total number of employees in senior management 853 (Male:819 / Female:34)*1 839 (Male:804 / Female:35)*2
Percentage of female in senior management 3.99%*1 4.17%*2
Total number of newly hired employees 83 (Male:64 / Female:19)*3 81 (Male:66 / Female:15)*4
Percentage of female employees in new hires 22.9%*3 22.7%*4
Percentage of employees that are contractors or temporary staff 12.6% 17.0%
Voluntary turnover rates / Number of employees leaving*5 1.4% / 54 1.3% / 50
Employment rate of persons with disabilities 2.18% (including 13 Brother Group companies in Japan*6 2.04%) 2.03% (including 13 Brother Group companies in Japan*6 2.11%)
Number of employees on childcare leave*7 73 (Male:35 / Female:38) 74 (Male:41 / Female:33)
Percentage of employees on childcare leave Male:24.1% / Female:100.0% Male:32.8% / Female:100.0%
Number of employees on family-care leave*7 5 (Male:1 / Female:4) 3 (Male:2 / Female:1)
Number of employees using the short-time working system for childcare 177 (Male:9 / Female:168) 176 (Male:7 / Female:169)
Number of employees using the short-time working system for family-care 3 (Male:0 / Female:3) 6 (Male:1 / Female:5)
Number of employees on nursing care leave 33 (Male:7 / Female:26) 28 (Male:7 / Female:21)
Number of employees using the homeworking system*8 78 (Male:7 / Female:71) 226 (Male:111 / Female:115)
The Brother Group Health & Productivity Management Philosophy Established in 2016
Number of occupational injuries reported at manufacturing facilities 20 14
Yearly incident rate ((number of incidents/number of employees) x 1,000) at manufacturing facilities 0.77 0.57
Brother Safety and Prevention Convention Held every year since 2008
  1. As of March 31, 2019
  2. As of March 31, 2020
  3. As of June 30, 2019
  4. As of June 30, 2020
  5. Employees who resigned for personal reasons
  7. Number of employees who took leave in the respective year
  8. Excluding individuals that implement COVID-19 measures

For other information, please see "With Employees."

Business Partners

FY2018 FY2019
Procurement Policy and CSR Procurement Standards Established in 2008
Green Procurement Started in 2001
Supplier meeting Participated in by approximately 372 companies and 670 individuals in total Participated in by approximately 460 companies and 900 individuals in total
CSR questionnaire Conducted every three years since 2012

For other information, please see "With Business Partners."


FY2018 FY2019
Financial results briefing Held four times a year Held four times a year
Shareholder newsletter Issued twice a year (The full-year newsletter is integrated with the convocation notice of a general shareholders' meeting, and the second-quarter newsletter is published only in Japanese.) Issued twice a year (The full-year newsletter is integrated with the convocation notice of a general shareholders' meeting, and the second-quarter newsletter is published only in Japanese.)
FTSE4Good Index Series Included for the first time in June 2020
FTSE Blossom Japan Index Included for the first time in June 2020
MSCI Japan Empowering Women (WIN) Select Index Included for the first time in November 2019
SOMPO Sustainability Index Included for the ninth consecutive year since 2012
Health & Productivity Stock Selection Program Recognized in 2017, 2019, and 2020
Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization Certified for the fourth consecutive year since 2017
  1. For Brother's financial results, please see "Financial Information" in "Investor Relations."

For other information, please see "With Shareholders."

Local Communities

FY2018 FY2019
Tokai Young Entrepreneur Seminar Supported by Brother Industries, Ltd. since 2008
Employees' participation in the Golden Ring Project At 20 facilities At 23 facilities
Amount of donations to registered not-for-profit organizations (Brother Industries, Ltd.) 8,229,163 yen 10,699,112 yen
Number of employees who participated in the Kizuna Fund and amount of donations to the Kizuna Fund 278 employees and 2,506,607 yen 152 employees and 5,050,216 yen
Target and achievement of number of pro bono participants (Brother Industries, Ltd.) Target: 3 employees/Achievement: 3 employees Target: 3 employees/Achievement: 3 employees

For other information, please see "With Local Communities."

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