With Employees

Supporting Diverse Work Styles


To Promote Diversity

The Brother Group has been supporting diverse ways of working to enable employees to choose their own lifestyle, given laws in each country and region, labor environments and personal situations. We have been committed to promoting diversity by reinforcing in-house systems and reforming employees' consciousness, with the goal in mind that the right personnel, who are excellent in ability, personality, talent and behavior, will be placed in the right positions across national boundaries and lead the Group.

In recognition of its efforts, Brother Industries, Ltd. (BIL) has been certified by Japan's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and the Aichi prefectural and the Nagoya city governments as an enterprise responding to diverse ways of working by promoting the success of women and providing support for child-rearing and so forth.

Activities to Support the Success of Women

Implementing measures to promote the advancement of women as one of the challenges in diversity management

BIL has been proactively supporting women's careers by formulating the "Commitment to Promotion of the Success of Women" and the "Action Plan to Support the Success of Women," adopting telecommuting, and providing lectures by experts. BIL has also been posting the career profiles of its female managers on the intranet and been holding internal small-group discussion meetings called the "Career Community" to respond to a request from employees to share the careers of those who serve as in-house role models. The Career Community has covered various themes, including the balance between work and child-rearing for men, and served as a place for participants to exchange their opinions and develop a network of internal contacts. Furthermore, in response to the opinion that employees need to have experience working abroad in order to shape their careers, BIL in FY2017 expanded its conventional trainee program designed for young employees to have a chance to work abroad, to include a newly-established overseas dispatch program for administrative employees in their third or fourth year of employment. With these initiatives that offer OJT and opportunities to gain extensive experience in overseas group facilities, BIL has been helping its employees become more active in the future. BIL will remain committed to creating a pleasant working environment for all employees, regardless of gender, to realize the diversification of working practices in terms of diversity management and work-life balance.

Career Community Career Community

Sales & Marketing Department, Personal & Home Business Division, Brother Industries, Ltd. Risako Kawanaka

Voice of an employee who joined the overseas dispatch program for administrative employees:
Understanding of the frontline is essential for meeting the needs of customers

Sales & Marketing Department, Personal & Home Business Division, Brother Industries, Ltd.
Risako Kawanaka

From April 2018, I spent my fourth year at Brother undergoing training at our sales company in Germany. While there, I mainly learned about market surveys and sales promotion tools, which are parts of planning operations, through practical experience. During that year, I always tried to create opportunities to hear directly from people on the frontline by visiting our dealers and events in person.
I now realize the necessity of drilling down into requests that we get from these frontline locations in order to understand the essential needs of customers. I learned firsthand the importance of understanding the actual locations and actual issues. Since I have been back in Japan, I have tried to use this experience when planning new products by focusing on whether they meet the needs of customers.

Main measures

FY 2016
  • Held the "Career Community," a series of theme-based round-table talks by BIL's senior employees
  • Organized a cancer seminar for women
  • Held an external lecture by the president on the success of women
  • Held a networking event with other companies to consider women's careers

External lecture by the president at the time External lecture by the president at the time

FY 2017
  • Formulated policies for the success of women at respective departments
  • Held the "Career Community," a series of theme-based round-table talks by BIL's senior employees
  • Offered female employees career support training and career consultations with an external specialist

Career Community Career Community

FY 2018
  • Held a lecture for managers by one of the lieutenant governors of Aichi Prefecture
  • Held the "Career Community," a series of theme-based round-table talks by BIL's senior employees
  • Started leasing tablet devices to employees who would like to access to BIL's internal information during childcare or family-care leave
  • Opened the "Childcare Leave Cafe" with the aim of helping employees on childcare leave return to work
  • Provided career counseling by an external specialist for female employees

Childcare Leave Cafe Childcare Leave Cafe

FY 2019
  • Held a group discussion with one of the lieutenant governors of Aichi Prefecture and female employees
  • Held a group discussion with Outside Director Aya Shirai and female managers
  • Held the "Career Cafe: 4 Colors," a networking event for female employees of four neighboring companies
  • Held the "Career Community," a series of theme-based round-table talks by BIL's senior employees
  • Held the "Career Development Program For Women," with participation of female employees and their managers
  • Provided career counseling by an external specialist for female employees
  • Introduced systems that support work-life balance at an internal poster session

Held a group discussion with Outside Director Aya Shirai and female managers Held a group discussion with Outside Director Aya Shirai and female managers

Supporting Work-Life Balance

Enhancing systems and creating an atmosphere that encourages the utilization of them

BIL has established various systems to support the work-life balance of its employees, including flextime, childcare or family-care leave, short-time working, and nursing care leave systems, so that they can continue working vigorously with no anxiety.
Since FY2011, BIL has held seminars to consider how to strike a balance between work and family care in preparation for the arrival of an age with serious family-care problems in the near future. Managers, in particular, are required to participate in these seminars to gain information that helps them prepare for the risks associated with their subordinates' family-care. In FY2015, BIL started adopting telecommuting for employees engaging in childcare or family care, thereby allowing them to more flexibly choose the way they work.
Meanwhile, based on opinions from employees, BIL has been focusing on making those systems much easier to use and creating an atmosphere that promotes the understanding of them within the company.
In FY2016, BIL held a cancer seminar for women in order to help female employees have accurate cancer knowledge and continue to work vigorously for long years, and also launched the "Career Community," composed of theme-based round-table talks by BIL's senior employees. These were held during work hours to allow employees to attend easily.

Cancer seminar for women Cancer seminar for women

Number of employees who used BIL's systems*1

FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019
Childcare leave*2 60 (17) 61 (19) 73 (35) 74 (41)
Family-care leave*2 5 (3) 3 (1) 5 (1) 3 (2)
Short-time working for childcare 153 (5) 166 (6) 177 (9) 176 (7)
Short-time working for family-care 2 (1) 2 (1) 3 (0) 6 (1)
Nursing care leave 31 (8) 31 (9) 33 (7) 28 (7)
Homeworking 41 (8) 57 (6) 78 (7) 226 (111)*3
  1. The numbers in the parentheses indicate those of male employees
  2. The number of those who started using the system in each fiscal year
  3. Excluding individuals that implement COVID-19 measures

Human Resources Department, Brother Industries, Ltd. Syuhei Yajima

Voice of an employee who utilized the childcare leave system:
Understanding and expectations for men to take childcare leave

Human Resources Department, Brother Industries, Ltd.
Syuhei Yajima

When my third child was born, I took three months' childcare leave. Personally, I was a bit uncertain and reticent about utilizing the childcare leave system at the beginning. However, the reaction from my superiors and colleagues was more positive than I expected, and they also actively supported me by adjusting my work schedule while I was away. I am also thankful for the same warm reception I received when I came back to work. During my leave, I was able to spend much more time than normal with my children, which was a really valuable experience for thinking about balancing childcare and work commitments going forward.
Thanks to this experience, I will be able to support other members of my team so that they can have peace of mind if they also take childcare leave in the future.

Reduction of long working hours

Under its policy of reducing long working hours, BIL has put systems in place and promoted operational efficiency.

Revision of systems

Morning-type flextime system

The core time of BIL's flextime system was initially from 10:30 to 15:00. However, in July 2016, it was changed to between 9:30 and 14:00, starting one hour earlier to make the system more morning-type.

Overtime application system

In July 2016, BIL introduced an overtime application system, which requires overtime work after 20:00 to be approved in advance, and basically prohibited overtime work after 22:00. In this way, the company has been striving to reduce long working hours.

Gradual lowering of the upper limit of non-statutory working hours in non-product sections

BIL and the Brother Industries Labor Union have reached an agreement to gradually reduce non-statutory working hours by FY2020.

FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020
Monthly target 80 hours 75 hours 70 hours 65 hours
Annual target 550 hours 520 hours 480 hours 450 hours

Operational efficiency

BIL has been promoting operational efficiency improvements by launching operational efficiency projects, reviewing its operational processes, and utilizing digital tools.

Drastic review of operational processes

BIL has been promoting operational efficiency improvements by sharing concrete measures or departmental efforts taken to resolve challenges in internal meeting management, meeting material preparation, and e-mail correspondence with employees on the intranet.

Utilization of efficient digital tools

BIL has been promoting the automation and efficiency of routine work by means of IT, such as RPA and AI, across the company.
At the same time, it has also been fostering developers for these digital tools.

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