Corporate Information

Brother's Unique Management System

Brother Value Chain Management

The Brother Group considers customer demands and expectations top priority as our guide for all of our business operations including product planning, development, design, manufacturing, sales and service. In order to create and deliver new value, an original management system was built and named the Brother Value Chain Management (BVCM) system.
BVCM is a process for delivering superior value to customers, consisting of three chains - the Demand Chain, the Concurrent Chain, and the Supply Chain. We will continue to advance this BVCM system with the "At your side." spirit in mind and deliver better products and services from a customer-oriented standpoint.



"Value" chain starting with customers

The opinions of "existing" customers who have already purchased Brother products and "potential" customers who may purchase Brother products in the future are the starting point for all our business activities.
Our call centers, which serve as our important points of contact with customers, receive various inquiries and requests from them. We register such information in our database and share it globally across the entire Brother Group.

Demand Chain (Choosing Value)

Product Planning, Research and Development

Based on opinions received by call centers around the world and information acquired through sales and service activities and marketing surveys, sales and design departments work together to analyze customer expectations and demands from various angles, such as "how product use environments will change," and "what improvements would satisfy more customers." Through these efforts, they formulate product concepts.

Concurrent Chain (Creating Value)

Development Design, Production Engineering

Product concepts created in the demand chain are given a concrete shape. Product simulations and focus group testing by intended users are run again and again before and after prototyping. Through this process, we develop and design our products speedily while ensuring high product quality. The production engineering department designs optimal production lines to deliver our products at the right time for our customers.

Supply Chain (Delivering Value)

Manufacturing, Distribution, Sales and Service

At the Brother Group's manufacturing facilities, we are working closely with partners, such as parts suppliers, and strengthening manufacturing processes and quality control systems, so as to produce high quality products. Products are delivered to customers through our sales facilities in countries and regions all over the world. We are also providing customers with swift, cordial support via online support over the Internet and call centers in order to make each individual satisfied.

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