With Shareholders

IR Communication

Communication with Shareholders and Investors

Proactive information disclosure

Brother Industries, Ltd. (BIL) is committed to building long-term trusting relationships with its shareholders and investors by continuing to provide them with timely and fair information.
For shareholders, BIL provides the Brother Group's business performance reports and latest information through convocation notices of shareholders' meetings, the corporate website, and so forth.
For institutional investors and securities analysts, BIL explains the group's financial results through quarterly briefings. In addition, the company actively makes investor visits and takes part in interviews.
In FY2019, BIL held a briefing on the Machinery business in response to requests from many investors, and a progress briefing on CS B2021, the group's medium-term strategy which began in FY2019. Through these opportunities, the company was able to communicate with a lot of institutional investors and securities analysts.

On Wednesday, June 24, 2020, BIL held the 128th ordinary general meeting of shareholders at the hall of the Mizuho Factory, located in Nagoya City, with the attendance of 48 shareholders, and reported the Brother Group's business results for FY2019, and the issues to be addressed during FY2020. Various measures were taken due to the meeting being held in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Among others, the number of attendees was reduced, shareholders were requested to avoid attending in person and recommended to exercise their voting rights in advance, questions were accepted via email in advance, some executives participated in the meeting online, the temperatures of attending shareholders were measured at the entrance, and social distancing was maintained in the reception area, elevators, and the like. All items on the agenda were approved and passed as drafted by a majority of the shareholders.

The 128th ordinary general meeting of shareholders The 128th ordinary general meeting of shareholders

BIL will continue to create opportunities to communicate with more shareholders and investors and actively provide information.

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