Corporate Information

Medium-to Long-Term Corporate Vision

Global Vision 21

As an organization that does business on a global scale, the Brother Group places the customer first in all activities and in many ways. Moreover, the Brother Group is a company that provides good values obviously to our "existing" customers but also to potential "future" customers. Global Vision 21 is the Brother Group's medium-to long-term vision that is based on this train of thought.

Three Goals to Achieving Global Vision 21

To become a leading global company with high profitability
While promoting globalization not only in the scale of the business, but also in our way of thinking, Brother will flexibly react to various changes, and keep evolving swiftly. We will also establish a highly profitable and solid financial strength.

To become a world-class manufacturer by developing outstanding proprietary technologies
Brother will push forward manufacturing of unique and original products based on the customer-first standpoint, by developing outstanding proprietary core technologies and acquiring patents.

To embody Brother's motto "At your side." throughout our corporate culture
Brother will foster a customer-first corporate culture in all the stages of our operations, including product planning, development, design, manufacturing, sales, and services. Our goal is to ensure the customer perception that Brother is a "trustworthy brand."

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