Business Segments

Personal & Home Business

Brother has leading-edge development capabilities in the home sewing machine industry, which allows it to provide highly functional products with high added value. In particular, we have been leading the market by offering our customers state-of-the-art features that are also easy to operate, utilizing our forte of electronic technologies. As for production, we manufacture a wide range of products from high-end to low-end at our facilities in Taiwan and Vietnam. As for sales, we maintain outstanding visibility in North America. We have established strong ties with powerful, major retailers and close partnerships with our prominent business partners, such as major sewing machine dealers handling high-end machines. Furthermore, our sales facilities around the world provide precise services and education along with superior products, enabling the group to maintain and further enhance the strength of the Brother brand.

Sewing and Embroidery Machine Sewing and Embroidery Machine Sewing Machine Sewing Machine Commercial Embroidery Machine Commercial Embroidery Machine Home Cutting Machine Home Cutting Machine

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