Toward a Sustainable Society

Global Environmental Conservation and SDGs

SDGs related to Brother's environmental conservation efforts

SUSTAINSABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS Undertaking continuous efforts in environmental conservation

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) comprise 17 goals and 169 targets aimed at realizing a sustainable world. They are universal goals adopted unanimously by the 193 member states at the General Assembly of the United Nations held in 2015.

The Brother Group will also create social value globally through our businesses to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs based on the Brother Group Environmental Policy.

In 2018, we formulated the Brother Group Environmental Vision 2050 regarding the key social issues of climate change, resource depletion, environmental pollution, and destruction of the ecosystem. We established the mid-term target for FY2030 as a milestone and continue to undertake various activities.

Brother Group Environmental Vision 2050

Established: March 19, 2018

The Brother Group Environmental Vision 2050 recognizes the key social issues of climate change, resource depletion, environmental pollution, and destruction of the ecosystem as business risks for the Brother Group and clearly states the group's continuous commitment toward solving these issues over the long term as a company that uses energy and resources to provide products using bio-based items such as paper, thread and cloth.

Three key issues undertaken by the Brother Group



Reduction of CO2 emissions

The vision aims to support the Paris Agreement and contribute toward creating a carbon-free society with zero greenhouse gas emissions.

Mid-term target for FY2030: 30% reduction from FY2015

[Scopes 1 and 2] Achieve 30% reduction from the FY2015 level
[Scope 3] Categories 1, 11, and 12 Achieve 30% reduction from the FY2015 level

  • The mid-term target for FY2030 for reduction of CO2 emissions has been recognized as a target based on scientific evidence by the Science Based Targets (SBT) initiative, an international initiative established to help achieve greenhouse gas emission reduction targets.

Science Based Targets (SBT)

  • Click the link above to read a press release.

2050 vision: Contribution for decarbonized society

The Brother Group is committed to reducing CO2 emissions of the entire value chain in all its business operations by 2050 and contributing to creating a carbon-free society, which is a mission for the global community.


Resource circulation

The vision aims to ensure sustainable use of natural resources in business operations and minimize the environmental impact due to wastes.

Mid-term target for FY2030: Reduction in use of new natural resources

Mechanisms for resource circulation have been established throughout the value chain. Efforts have been made to reduce the amount of new natural resources that are used in main products.
The group's manufacturing facilities continuously endeavor to ensure efficient use of water resources and proper treatment of wastewater.

2050 vision: Maximize resource circulation

Toward 2050, the Brother Group will maximize resource circulation to ensure the sustainable use of natural resources and minimize the environmental impact due to wastes.


Biodiversity conservation

The vision aims to minimize the environmental impact of business operations and promote activities to restore and conserve the ecosystem beyond the impact.

Mid-term target for FY2030: Reduction of environmental impact on the ecosystem

The Brother Group assesses the environmental impact of its business operations on the ecosystem and the effectiveness of restoration and conservation activities, and works to avoid and reduce the environmental impact on the ecosystem.
The manufacturing and sales facilities of the entire group work on ecosystem restoration and conservation activities on a voluntary basis depending on the situation in each region.

2050 vision: Positive net gain for biodiversity

By 2050, the Brother Group will minimize the environmental impact of business operations on the ecosystem and promote activities to restore and conserve the ecosystem beyond the impact.

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