Toward a Sustainable Society

Environmental Vision 2050: Resource Circulation


Brother Group
Environmental Vision 2050



The vision aims to ensure sustainable use of natural resources in business operations and minimize environmental impact due to waste.

Resource Circulation


Toward 2050, the Brother Group will maximize resource circulation to ensure the sustainable use of natural resources and minimize the environmental impact due to wastes.

Mid-term target for FY2030

Mechanisms for resource circulation have been established throughout the value chain. Efforts have been made to reduce the amount of new natural resources that are used in main products.

The group's manufacturing facilities continuously endeavor to ensure efficient use of water resources and proper treatment of wastewater.

The mid-term target aims to reduce* the consumption of resources for main products, achieve efficient use of water resources, and ensure proper treatment of wastewater.

Maximize resource circulation

*: Regarding the reduction of consumption of resources for products, the reduction target values will be set by FY2021 while monitoring the development of global environmental regulations.

Resource circulation initiatives

Plastics are useful resources that are inexpensive and easy to mold, and are used in many products all over the world. However, plastic waste, most of which is not yet being recycled, is causing environmental problems such as marine plastic pollution and soil contamination. To help mitigate these environmental problems, the Brother Group has increased the use of recycled plastics in printing equipment, our main business, and formulated an internal goal for reducing the use of polystyrene foam, a plastic packaging material that cannot be easily recycled. Through these initiatives, the Brother Group aims to contribute to the recycling of plastics and reducing the environmental impact related to plastic manufacturing. In the future, the Brother Group plans to accelerate these activities and promote resource circulation throughout our value chain.

Examples of resource circulation

Exploring recycling possibilities for the sake of the future global environment

In Europe, we started a recycling program in 2004 by adopting newly developed recycling-compatible toner cartridges.
Thanks to an automated recycling system we introduced, we are able to offer the same high quality in recycled cartridges, as well.
In 2014, the Brother Group group received two prestigeous awards in the 2014 Responsible Business Awards given out by Business in the Community, a U.K.-based NPO. The group's contribution to communities and the environment was recognized.

Package Design Optimization

Video contents of

The Brother Group's water usage reduction activities

Securing safe water resources is an important environmental challenge for the global community. The Brother Group has been monitoring all of our sites regularly, evaluating water risks at each site every year, and working to reduce water consumption to fulfill our responsibilities as an operator of manufacturing facilities in many countries and regions. In FY2019, we formulated the new Brother Group Environmental Action Plan 2021 (2019-2021). In it, we set up a target of reducing water consumption at manufacturing facilities by 3% from FY2018 (April 1, 2018–March 31, 2019) levels by FY2021 (April 1, 2021–March 31, 2022) (per unit of sales), and made efforts to reduce water consumption. By taking measures such as improving production efficiency and reducing restroom water consumption, the Brother Group achieved a major reduction, cutting water consumption by 36.8% from the FY2010 level (per unit of sales) and 16.7% from the FY2018 level (per unit of sales). Further, we found from the FY2019 water risk evaluation that the following three sites had relatively high risks: two in China and one in Philippines.

Water circulation efforts at Brother Machinery Xian Co., Ltd.

Brother Machinery Xian Co., Ltd. (BMX) is located in an area with relatively high water risk since water resources are not abundant there. In FY2018, as part of an effort to circulate water, BMX installed a rainwater collection tank inside its site and is continuing to use the collected water for maintaining greenery.

Brother Machinery Xian Co., Ltd.

Changes in water consumption at the Brother Group

Changes in water consumption at the Brother Group

Scope of aggregation

FY2010 FY2015–FY2019
Eight business sites in Japan (head office of Brother Industries, Ltd., Mizuho Manufacturing Facility, Hoshizaki Manufacturing Facility, Minato Manufacturing Facility,*1Momozono Manufacturing Facility, Kariya Manufacturing Facility, Research & Development Center, and Logistics Center), Brother Industries (U.K.) Ltd., Taiwan Brother Industries, Ltd., Zhuhai Brother Industries, Co., Ltd., Brother Machinery Xian Co., Ltd.,*2 Brother Industries (Shenzhen), Ltd.,*3 Brother Technology (Shenzhen) Ltd., Brother Industries Technology (M) Sdn. Bhd.,*4 Brother Industries (Vietnam) Ltd., Nissei Corporation, Mie Brother Precision Industries, Ltd., and Brother Industries (Slovakia) s.r.o. Brother Industries Saigon, Ltd., Brother Industries (Philippines), Inc. and Brother Machinery Vietnam Co., Ltd. were added to the scope of aggregation on the left.
  1. The Minato Manufacturing Facility stopped production on September 30, 2017.
  2. Brother Machinery Xian Co., Ltd. is a business site established through the merger of Xian Brother Industries, Co., Ltd. (formerly Xian Typical Brother Industries, Co., Ltd.) with Brother Sewing Machine Xian Co., Ltd. in 2010. In the same year, Brother Sewing Machine (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. transferred its business to Brother Machinery Xian Co., Ltd.
  3. Brother Industries (Shenzhen), Ltd. was subject to an absorption-type merger in October 2016, with Brother Technology (Shenzhen) Ltd. as the surviving company.
  4. Brother Industries Technology (M) Sdn. Bhd. terminated its business operations on March 31, 2017.

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